Working from my Excess - Chapter 2 (and an Excess paddleboard to be won!)

In the first episode of our series “Working from my Excess”, we shared Marco & Lizzy's story about their experiences on board an Excess 11. Today, we’d like to ask you a bit about this theme.
How can we best accompany you in such a life project? What’s stopping you from taking the plunge and living aboard your boat while continuing to work? What facilities do you need to help make your work on board comfortable and efficient? To help us imagine your ideal setup, we’ve created a questionnaire that you’ll find here. We promise it will only take you a few minutes to complete.
As a thank-you for your time and valuable feedback, we're giving away an Excess paddleboard: the perfect activity for taking a break between meetings! One lucky winner will be drawn from all the answers we get.
Good luck to everyone and thank you again for your answers!

thoroughly enjoyed the WF my Excess article.
My Excess 11 will be launched in April 23 and I am exploring remote working as an option. Having worked as a contract CAD engineer at a leading F1 team during the pandemic we proved [despite the skeptics] that we could design the car with a dispersed workforce. The major issue was trying to drive a CAD box remotely via wifi was latency.
Starlink looks to be the breakthrough technology to resolve remote desktop latency issues. But their maritime offering is outrageously priced and obviously aimed at super yachts or cruise liners.
It would be helpful if Excess, Beneteau and the yacht building community lobbied Starlink that there is a huge untapped market of remote workers who would sign up if not for the top end pricing.
All the best,
Tim ;-)
Thank you very much for your comment and congratulations on your purchase of an Excess 11!
On the subject of Starlink, we're keeping an eye on what's out there - we're in regular contact with our suppliers, but we don't have any specific offers at the moment.
We'll keep you informed if things change!
Kind regards,
Good reading!
Merci de nous avoir fait remonter ce problème ! Nous venons de le régler.
Bonne lecture !
Nous venons de refaire une tentative et ça ne fonctionne toujours pas. Il y a bien eu une amélioration car initialement 3 points étaient bloquants et depuis votre intervention il en reste 2 :-)
Bonne journée
Je viens de regarder, tout fonctionne de notre côté. Pourriez-vous réessayer à partir d'un nouveau navigateur s'il vous plait ? Tenez nous au courant, nous ferons notre nécessaire pour arranger cela.
Merci !
Nous avons essayé en vain sur PC, MACBOOK et IPAD avec Safari, chrome et Firefox, sans succès ! Toujours avec le même message d’erreur que je vous ai fait parvenir hier par mail.
J’avoue ne pas comprendre
Bon week-end
Nous vous envoyons un e-mail pour voir cela directement avec vous.
A tout de suite !
Même constat que les derniers commentaires, nous n’avons pas réussi à soumettre le questionnaire
I also had the same issue with the Questionnaire at the end when submitting with the same ‘incomplete values’ message and it went back to the beginning. Not sure if it did submit?
"Incomplete Values
There are incomplete fields in your submission:
What’s holding you back? is required"
But I never actually see this question in the questionnaire. it never appears.