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Today, we are going to open a topic that is likely to spark debate : the choice of the bed, and more specifically its shape.

When designing the cabins of our catamarans, a crucial question arises : should we use the entire available space to maximize the size of the double bed, or should we leave passages on each side for what is called an 'Island Bed'?

No Shakespearean dilemma here, rest assured. After all, this choice is only possible thanks to the generous space offered by Excess catamarans.

On the Excess 11, we opted for beds that occupy the entire width of the hull.

The result : impressive dimensions for a 38-foot catamaran. The bed in the owner’s cabin to starboard, for example, measures 2 m x 2 m.

Owner's Cabin Excess 11

On the Excess 14, with more space on board, we have favored Island Beds.

These beds, accessible from both sides, allow for easy movement around and making the bed without gymnastics. There are also real bedside tables to place a book, phone, or water bottle before falling asleep. The dimensions then become more « standard » at 1.60 m x 2 m, similar to what you might find in a house, after all.

Owner's Cabin Excess 14 

As for the Excess 13, it’s a compromise: Island Beds for the owner’s cabin to starboard and the aft cabin to port, but beds that occupy the entire width at the front where the hulls narrow for better passage through the waves.

So, dear Lab members, it's your turn. Do you prefer an Island Bed, accessible from both sides, or a maximized bed that extends to the hull sides, prioritizing width ?

Get typing ! Share your thoughts in the comments and help our design team create the cabins of your dreams.

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February 2, 2025
Island bed c'est mieux, mais 1,6 de large ce n'est pas suffisant donc la solution du 11 avec 2x2 est meilleure à cause de la largeur du lit.
L'optimum Island bad 2x1,8 !
January 21, 2025
Roy & Vicki - Excess 13 customers
Can the Excess Lab show us a picture of what is underneath the bed? To Jan's point - does the Excess 13 aft beds hinge to access underneath? Is there a hydraulic ram? Is there space underneath for ducting hot air heating? Because all these things are more important than the small inconvenience of not being able to walk around an island bed. The side shelves are important so we would prefer a wider mattress that occupies all the space between the side shelves. The side shelves can also hinge open for storage underneath. For a very good design look back at the Beneteau Swift 34 Trawler main cabin which has shelves and opening cabinets either side of a full width bed.
January 21, 2025
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January 20, 2025
Mulan, Excess 14 Hull #73
I really do like the island bed configuration better than I originally thought I would. But in my eyes the Excess 14 is lacking of cabinet space in the 4 cabin version. I would like to have a bed, which offers better accessible space underneath. It is really much work to put away the matraces, the slatted frame, the covers, etc. to reach into the storage below. This process makes this storage space unusable for daily items. Maybe a single sided bed with a cabinet on the other side with shelfs, etc. would be the best compromize. Think about bookshelves, drawers for all the little items. We do usually not use the pockets much.
January 17, 2025
Bonjour à tous,
De notre côté, nous avons nos habitudes de terrien qui sont 200x200 ou 180x200. Nous avons choisi le 14 et nous avons trouvé dommage que le lit des cabines arrière soit en 160. Au vu de la place existante, nous aurions préféré un 180. Rajouter 10cm de chaque côté nous semble assez aisé et laisse quand même encore la possibilité de passer sur le côté même si c’est un peu moins loin. Pour le cabines avant il n’y a pas trop le choix et les dimensions actuelles optimisent bien l’espace.
January 17, 2025
Hello. Pour nous island bed définitivement. 1,60 m x 2 m est plus que suffisant et standard. Les accès de côtés sont très pratiques ainsi que les tables de chevet.
January 16, 2025
We like our 14 configuration, easier to make the bed with the access at the sides, rather than clambering over it. Also standard bedding fits.
Sail Tahiti
January 16, 2025
1 answer
Hi everyone, based on the realistic assumption that Herve and his team love to innovate, I can only suggest some foldable bedsides : when you put them up you have more bed area but when you want to walk around the bed or simply make the bed you can fold them down.
Felix - The Excess Team
Felix - The Excess Team
February 4, 2025
Or bunk beds like on a Mini 6.50? I can definitely recognize you there, David, and I’m sure Hervé will love it. See you soon in Polynesia aboard an Excess!
January 16, 2025
We actually like both/either of the options on the XCS.
Its the "cutout" versions we've experienced on other boats that we're less fond of (requiring special mattresses and sheetsets, more difficulty in making the bed, etc).
January 16, 2025
On the 14 we suggest a partial island berth. We find the present ’island’ berth too difficult to walk beside and the floor by the outer hull is very weak and creaks a lot. Also cleaning in this very cramped side of the berth is a nuisance.
A partial island will give a bit more width and will be more solid.
Another thing we find is missing from the berths is a surrounding rim that prevents the mattresses from sliding off. It would look much more substantial with a nice wood rim.
Frank P.
January 16, 2025
1 answer
Pas encore propriétaire, on attend le 13 avec impatience… dans tous les catas que l’on a loué, on préfère l’Island bed.
1 pour faire le lit et 2 l’entourage permet parfois un accès avec une petite marche à la hauteur du lit qui n’est pas toujours pratique.
Felix - The Excess Team
Felix - The Excess Team
February 4, 2025
Je vous remercie pour votre retour ! Je comprends votre préférence pour l'Island bed, il est effectivement plus pratique à l’utilisation, notamment pour faire le lit et l'accès facilité. J'espère que l'Excess 13, répondra à vos attentes et n'hésitez pas à venir le découvrir à La Grande Motte en avril prochain.
January 16, 2025
1 answer
J'aurai un 14 et je préfère garder le passage latéral.
Felix - The Excess Team
Felix - The Excess Team
February 4, 2025
Bonjour M. Sterkendries,
Effectivement, garder le passage latéral semble plus pratique à l'utilisation, surtout pour la circulation à bord. Félicitations pour votre futur XCS14, et nous espérons que vous en profiterez pleinement !
S.CAT Good Luck
January 16, 2025
1 answer
We prefer the Maximum bed like on the Excess11 in the Owners Cabin (2m x 2m). It is a shame that on the 13 the bed is so much smaler.
Felix - The Excess Team
Felix - The Excess Team
February 4, 2025
Thank you for your feedback! Let's say that the bed size on the XCS13 is back to "standard size" for boats, but it’s true that being able to stretch out both ways, lengthwise and widthwise on the Excess 11, can be quite practical at times 😊. We’re happy to hear your thoughts and hope you continue to enjoy your time aboard!
Les voyages de Skiboo
January 16, 2025
1 answer
Depuis un an nous avons plaisir à naviguer et profiter d'instants à bord de notre XCS11 #151 , pour nous la dimension du lit est très agréable en 2x2 cela dit moins pratique à l'usage pour faire convenablement le lit qu'une version island. Mais ce n'est qu'un bien piètre soucis comparé au plaisir du confort de vie à bord.. et au passage, ça arrange bien nos 4 petits enfants qui adorent squatter le lit de notre cabine lors des sorties familiales..
Felix - The Excess Team
Felix - The Excess Team
February 4, 2025
Bonjour Mme. et Mr. Pilato,
Merci pour votre retour. C’est un plaisir de savoir que le confort à bord et les moments en famille sont au rendez-vous. A très vite.