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We’d like to share with you the results from our recent survey on the subject of heating on board our boats, taking into account the data collected and the informative article published on our website, which you can view here: SURVEY - HEATING YOUR CATAMARAN (excess-catamarans.com)



Following our survey, it is pleasing to note that 69% of respondents were interested in installing a heating system aboard their boat.

The main motivation behind their responses was the extension of the boating season generated by the comfort of warmth.

Significantly, almost two-thirds of those polled expressed a marked preference for the purchase of a forced air heating system over water-based heating. The reasons given underline the increased speed and safety offered by air heating systems, reinforcing our understanding of our community’s expectations when it comes to on-board comfort.

For us, these results are a valuable source of information that will guide our future developments and innovations. We look forward to responding to the needs expressed by our community and continuing to improve their experience aboard our Excess catamarans.


Thank you to everyone who took the time to take part in the survey.

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March 25, 2024
1 answer
Avec l'électrification des bateaux de plaisance, pourquoi, pour des modèles optimisant la génération d'électricité (panneaux Photo-voltaïques nombreux, hydrogénérateurs, générateurs électriques,...) ne pas non plus proposer une pompe à chaleur bien plus efficace en rendement, comme celles équipant les véhicules électriques (Tesla par ex.) ?
April 22, 2024
Hello AQ38,
Heat pumps are not yet widely used on boats, but there's no doubt that this technology from the construction industry, and more recently from the automotive sector, could make a big contribution to the boating world.
The energy efficiency of this solution is very good, but our sailboats would probably first have to go through an ‘insulation’ phase in order to size this costly technical solution as accurately as possible.
Finally, marinization of the heat pump units would be an important prerequisite, so that they can withstand the boat’s movements and environment without damage.
In any case, this is a very promising avenue for the future, and I thank you for your suggestion


Bonjour AQ38,
Les pompes à chaleur sont encore très peu présentes sur les bateaux, mais c'est sans nul doute une technologie issue du bâtiment, ou plus récemment de l’automobile, qui pourrait apporter beaucoup dans le nautisme.
L’efficacité énergétique de cette solution est très bonne, mais il faudrait probablement dans un premier temps que nos voiliers passent par la case 'isolation' afin de dimensionner au plus juste cette coûteuse solution technique.
Enfin, la marinisation des unités de la pompe à chaleur serait un prérequis important, pour qu’elles supportent sans dommage les mouvements et l’environnement du bateau.
C’est en tout cas une piste très prometteuse pour l’avenir, merci de votre suggestion en ce sens.
Aurea Sailing
January 24, 2024
A very interesting post! We are currently planning the heating system for our Excess 11. Apparently not all rooms in the Excess 11 can be reached with hoses for air heating. We are trying to install a water heating system that can also be used to heat the domestic water. We then don't need electricity for hot water. That would also be an advantage for this system. I'm curious to see which solution will prevail.
January 24, 2024
2 answers
On Excess 14 Geronimo a Water Heating System is already realized. If you are interested in the solution, let me now.
Aurea Sailing
January 24, 2024
Hi Rainer, we are currently planning the heating system for our Excess 11. We are very interested in learning more about your solution. On which channel can I reach you directly? Facebook ok? Greetings, Stephan
January 24, 2024
Hi Stephan,

please post the question on facebook excess owners group.