I see the Excess 13 is specified with twin 40hp diesel engines and that Yanmar offer an option to have a second 12V - 124A alternator on their new 40hp 3JH40 engine:
I would very much like this engine and twin alternator set up to be offered by Excess for the Excess 13 because this will make many owners (myself included) comfortable with having no generator on board. This keeps the boat simple, and saves energy because the engines will generate twice the energy to charge the house lithium batteries when the engines are being used.
Also less weight equals more performance and room for the additional fresh water tank for capturing rainwater off the roof. Less maintenance as well.
Less is more!
Amicalement Roy Savage,
Auckland New Zealand.
It seems that this is also possible on the Excess 14 with the 45 and the 57 Yanmar engines.
Is this something which could also be available for the Excess 14 owners ?
Needless to say, if we decide to develop such an offer on the 13, this will then be deployed on the range whenever possible.
Thank you for this smart and well documented input.
Based on your contribution, I have questioned our engineering department & Yanmar.
It seems than we could indeed consider offering twin alternators on the 13, without too many complex and costly modifications on the electrical harness
As often, this will take a bit of time on our side to fully validate the whole arrangement and have it available on the pricelist, but I really believe this is something we should do.
So, the answer is YES, let’s do it! I doubt the option line will be created when your boat gets built, but it’s worth trying!
Another input from the Excess Lab that will convert into clients satisfaction, love that!!
Thanks a lot,
Merci pour cette contribution intelligente et bien documentée.
Sur la base de votre contribution, j'ai interrogé notre service d'ingénierie ainsi que Yanmar.
Il semble que nous pourrions effectivement envisager de proposer des doubles alternateurs sur le 13, sans trop de modifications complexes et coûteuses au niveau du faisceau électrique.
Comme souvent, cela prendra un peu de temps de notre côté pour valider entièrement l'ensemble et le rendre disponible sur la liste de tarifs, mais je crois vraiment que c'est quelque chose que nous devrions faire.
Donc, la réponse est OUI, faisons-le ! Je doute que cette option sera créée avant que votre bateau soit construit, mais ça vaut le coup d'essayer !
Une autre contribution de l'Excess Lab qui se transformera en satisfaction des clients, j'adore ça !!
Merci beaucoup,
J’ai hate de vous voir et le bateau a La Grande-Motte en avril - I am practicing my French so I can convince you to have this installation ready for our boat !!
A avril
Roy & Vicki