VPLP´s Trick: Asymmetric hulls Lars Reisberg

Lars Reisberg is one of our Excess dealers, but also editor of his own sailing website: No Frills Sailing.com. As soon as he found out about the launch of the Excess 14 and its asymmetric hulls, he contacted me for more insight on the subject.
This innovation comes from the objective of designing a boat that gives real sailing sensations, a catamaran that is fun to sail yet easy to handle. Our targeted clients are people coming from the monohull world seeking more comfort without losing the pleasure and sensations of sailing.
Find out what are the benefits of asymmetric hulls, how we came up with the idea and how we decided to implement it. Discover all of it here.
Thank you Lars for the interview!
Hervé Piveteau.

Didn't Lock Crowther come up with much the same idea for the early Catanas like the 381 and 431?
Dear James, you are absolutly right ! The lines were ispired by genious Hobie Alter who designed the Hobie Cat 16 hulls with almost strait inner waterlines, and it did work ! In the mid 80' there were some tank testing comparison to try to measure the difference in drag and hull interference, but no significant number came out because the scale effect was difficult to take in account. At that time, the plugs to make the moulds of production catamarans were made out of cold moulded process, so that a single hull was produced, out of which the two outer hull moulds were built before the two half plateform were added to build the inner hull/platform moulds : this was much quicker and less expensive than building a complete plug. This resulted with the end of asymetrical hulls. But now that all plugs are milled, it seemed interesting to re evaluate the benefit of asymetrical hulls, and the first Lock Down allowed VPLP to spend 3 months of hull shape comparision, leading to a proven benefit for asymetrical hulls ! All the best !
Dear M Belmont, many thanks for your full and interesting reply.